Team/Partner Finder

Murrumbidgee Wayfaring

Don't miss out on this event because you can't find a team! We're here to help.

Please provide details to publish on the website, and we will convey a message between prospective team members or you can be contacted direct.

Use the Contact Form and let us know:

  • your age category (youth, open, veteran, super veteran, ultra veteran)
  • gender (female, male, other)
  • competitive aspirations/fitness - self assessed scale 1-10 from least to most competitive.
  • your contact details - name, email and phone, and if you wish for them to be published
  • if you are interested in contacting an existing listing

Team Wanted

Age Gender Competiveness Contact
 32 Female 6-7/10 (I like to push, but I'm not elite level). I've done 20+ rogaines including about 10 24hr events.  via website
41 Female 8-9/10 Looking to form a WO team. I've done many 24 hr rogaines and love them for testing out navigation & strategy. Walking only, steady pace, minimal breaks, and prefer to be out almost all night. (I'm also looking for a team mate for the World Champs in Spain in July!) Nicole
 via website